

This is an OOC page discussing the meta information of Zombolini: Apocalypse Now.

This website is a host of the metafictional project Zombolini: Apocalypse Now. The project itself is based on 2000s cartoons and is heavily influenced by various media that has had rough production, developmental hell, and cancelation. It also touches on the themes of "everything will be okay in the end", in both the cartoon and the crew.

In its current state, both the project and lore site are very incomplete and will gain information as time goes on. While most will be eventually changed out for real links, some of the red links seen will be permanent. They are not clickable and are meant to emulate wikis with broken links galore.

More Zombolini: Apocalypse Now!

Want more Zombolini: Apocalypse Now content? Look no further than the following links:


The names present within Zombolini: Apocalypse Now are purely fictional. Any resemblance they have to actual names people have are coincidental.

Credits & Inspiration


This website would not be possible without the following:


This project is an amalgamation of media that has shaped me as a person along with my own life experience and passions. I've always loved cartoons and the setting that Zombolini takes place in reminiscent of where I grew up. Anyway, here's the inspiration list: